I don’t think it is a secret that I love history. When I get the chance to grab a book about History (especially American History–but I love history from around the world!) I have a really hard time passing it by.
In January, I started reading a new history book. It was American Patriots, a small book by Rick Santorum. I enjoyed it because it told the stories of little known men and women who played a part in the writing of our Nation’s story. It talked about people I’d heard of, but didn’t really know the details of who they were or the background of their moment in history.
Some of the stories were very graphic in that Mr. Santorum didn’t hide the fact that sometimes Freedom comes with a steep price, and that there were times when there was a lot of bloodshed, sometimes for the wrong reasons. Some of the stories were sad. Some of them made me laugh. But in all, I enjoyed getting more glimpses into my nation’s past and people.
I find that there is so much to learn from the people and events of history, and that in spite of dark hours, there are always those who stood up and shone in their day in history. It inspires me to be that person in my chapter.
The book itself is small enough to be read quickly, but long enough that you can’t rush through it. It is divided into three sections, and in the back it has a copy of our Declaration of Independence. (I imagine everyone has read it, but If you haven’t before now, you should.) I think American Patriots could be a great homeschooling resource in the future, so it now has a home on my bookshelves. It will be in good company. I hope that our children will love history, and learn from it so they can know what our nation once was, and why in spite of what she is now, I’m still proud to be an American.
Thanks to Tyndale for sharing a copy of this book with me for review purposes.